[CQ-Contest] Highest ever rate ?

Steve Miller millersg at dmapub.dma.org
Wed Aug 4 10:21:52 EDT 1999


a) Winning is FUN! 
b) 3 points are better than 2 
c) going fast is FUN!

Hopefully this will lessen your confusion  ;)

> Gee you guys, whats all this fuss about winning ?? and 2 points vs 3 points
> ??  and highest rate's ???  and here my 13 and 14 yr old sons and i were
> gonna go back to st. martien this year and operate the  c.q.w.w. phone again
> as fs/k7zum, but we had a different ideal, we were actually going to go for
> the rather foolish ideal of (heaven forbid !) having FUN !    you guys
> suspose that maybe we must be missing something here ??? could  somebody
> explain this to me and straighten me out !!
> 73... slightly confussed contest operator in Oregon !   ken  k7zum

Steve Miller   N8SM   millersg at dma.org   http://www.dma.org/~millersg

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