[CQ-Contest] 10m contest

K4SB k4sb at mindspring.com
Tue Dec 14 19:08:00 EST 1999

Henry brings up a nice point on the bandwidth of SSB signals this
past weekend.

I for one, have never heard as great a number of stations who were
overdriving, and splattering, and the biggest offender in the group
was a 5 in TX. There is absolutely no excuse for a signal with
"feathers" out +/- 5 kHz or more.

Now there is a difference between being loud and splattering. But when
20db of attenuation is put in, and you're on the back side of a wide
spaced yagi with a F/B over 46db, and I can hear you 5 kHz awat,
you're not loud, you're splattering.

Some have suggested this is a good way to clear the ORM away from your
run frequency. Well, it does do that, but no one wants to acknowledge
that those "feathers" take power to generate.

One more point for a few. You cannot operate SSB on 28.3, nor CW on
28.000. Of course there was the exception from a SA DXer, He just
dropped below 28.000 and had himself a nice clear frequency.

Anyway, nice to run into old friends


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>From Ken Widelitz" <widelitz at gte.net  Tue Dec 14 18:43:23 1999
From: Ken Widelitz" <widelitz at gte.net (Ken Widelitz)
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 10:43:23 -0800
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Best Station Improvement This Year!
Message-ID: <00f501bf4663$19e66760$f9c00304 at gte.net>

With the bulk of the "contest season" finished, I am pleased to report the
best improvement in my contest station this year was a $700 investment in a
Herman Miller Aeron chair. I felt less fatigued, had to do fewer standing
stretches and chair changes and had no leg cramps.

I have to admit that my shack is also my office and I had my business buy me
the chair helping justify the cost. I spend more time working than
contesting in the chair, but not continuously as I do contesting. Attention
contesting IRS agents: I don't write off my office because it is not used
solely for business, but the business does buy the computer and office

73, Ken, K6LA (Ken Six Los Angeles)

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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