[CQ-Contest] P40W/QRP - A CQWW CW Contest Story (Long)
John Crovelli
w2gd at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 16 06:43:05 EST 1999
Call: P40W
Operator(s): W2GD
Station: Class: SOAB QRP
Operating Time (hrs): 43
Operating Summary:
Band QSOs Zones Countries
160: 26 7 18
80: 424 17 61
40: 555 25 77
20: 574 28 81
15: 788 32 90
10: 971 30 94
Tot: 3338 139 421 Score = 5,523,280 Pts.
Current Record: HI8A (JA5DQH), 1991: 3320 117 325 3,316,768 Pts.
Several people have asked me to describe the station configuration and write
a story about my SOAB QRP effort during the 1999 CQWW CW.
Station Location: On a ridge near the town of Santa Cruz, close to the
geographic center of Aruba, about 2 miles from either the north or south
coasts and one mile due north of P40V/P40E. This is NOT a surfside location
but you can see about 6 or 7 miles of the southern Aruban coastline from the
top of the towers.
Antenna System Supports: Two Rohn 25G Towers - 70' and 60'- spaced
approximately 170 feet apart, in line toward Europe.
Tower One – 70 feet Rohn 25G extended by 14 foot of 2 inch mast, Ham III
160/80M Inverted V Doublet @ 70 feet
Force 12 4 ele. 20M Yagi / F12 2 ele. 40M Yagi @ 71 feet (common boom)
Force 12 5 ele. 10M Yagi @ 77 feet
Force 12 5 ele. 15M Yagi @ 83 feet
Notes: All antennas on Tower One are fed with RG213. The 20, 15 and 10
meter Force 12 monoband yagis have proven their durability and performed
without failure during six years of continuous service and exposure in the
harsh Aruban environment.
Tower Two – 60 feet Rohn 25G extended by 5 foot 2 inch mast, Ham III Rotor
Cushcraft A4 Triband Beam @ 61 feet
3 ele. full size 80M Wire Yagi (inverted V elements) oriented toward Europe,
suspended from a dacron rope strung between the two towers.
Receiving Antennas:
Terminated 800' Beverage toward Europe
Terminated 400' Beverage toward US/JA
9:1 baluns, RG58 coax feedlines, an ancient Ameco Nuvistor Preamp
Rig: 15 year old TS930S with new Piexx Digital Board
Diawa Wattmeter, Autek, MFJ and FRC Keyers
Logging Software: CT 3.17 (it never crashes) running on a 386 Toshiba
As some of you know I’m not exactly a newcomer to QRP contesting. In the
early and mid-90’s several 5 watt operations from my NJ home station in CQ
WPX CW and ARRL SS CW were quite successful (2 World High QRP Scores in WPX
CW and several second and third place finishes in ARRL SS CW). And just two
years ago from P40W the current WPX QRP CW record was established. The
challenge of QRP operation is something I truly enjoy and this fall, with
rising sunspot activity I felt the existing CQWW QRP CW record was
particularly vulnerable from an operation from either South America or
Northern Africa. Of course my fellow FRC members thought I was crazy, but I
just wanted to do something a little different.
I purposely scheduled several extra days into this trip to allow more time
for station preparation, leaving NJ on Saturday instead of the more typical
Tuesday departure. It seems there is never enough daylight hours to get
everything working and this trip would prove to be no different. For those
of you who haven’t yet experienced an offshore operation, it invariably
takes at least twice as long than it does back home to accomplish most
In July, K4UEE/P40R and I spent 12 days rebuilding the station we’ve shared
for nearly a decade at two different locations. The original 20-foot mast
and 70 feet of badly rusted Rohn 25G were sandblasted down to bare steel and
painted with two or more coats of ZRC Cold Galvanizing Compound. A newer
used 60-foot Rohn 25G tower was added and also prepped with several coats of
zinc primer. Inspection of the towers upon arrival revealed some rust had
formed whereever we scratched the paint during our tower construction work
just 4 months earlier. The Aruban salt air environment is totally
unforgiving, and anything left exposed rusts! Some touch-up painting was
On Sunday afternoon it was simply too HOT for me to do much more than light
duty tasks like restringing the beverages and setting up the radio
equipment. The winds were very light and coming out of the WEST. Normally
the trade winds are blowing at about 20 knots out of the EAST making it much
more comfortable. Even though it had been nearly a week since Hurricane
Lenny’s trek through the Caribbean, the storm was still exerting its
influence on the weather pattern, disrupting the winds throughout the
region. Normal conditions wouldn’t return until the following Sunday
morning. To help combat possible dehydration, I bought two cases of canned
ice tea and a gallon of Gatorade during my first trip to the food store (by
the following Thursday my beverage supply would again need restocking).
Sunday evening I enjoyed dinner with Jose, CT1BOH/P40E, and his YL Dragy who
had arrived from Europe the previous day. A quick glance at the pile of new
WX0B Array Solutions switching equipment in the P40V shack confirmed that
Jose was serious about his first serious SO2R effort.
Spent the majority of Monday building and erecting a new 160/80 doublet to
replace two aging antennas that had amazingly survived nearly a decade of
faithful Aruban service. Wire antennas must be constructed from insulated
wire if you are to expect them to last any length of time in this corrosive
climate. As usual, the project didn't go very smoothly, the elements of
the doublet kept wrapping around each other near the center insulator, and I
mistakenly cut the 80M elements about 3 feet too short for CW operation.
Three trips up the tower, and numerous lowering and raising of the element
ends to make length adjustments in the blazing sun took virtually the whole
day. Afterward, I relaxed in the relative coolness of the shack with
several cold cans of iced tea and a nice run on 15 and 10 meters that was
easily started running between 5 and 50 watts. It was my first chance to
get a better feel for what to expect running QRP during the contest weekend.
Most of day on Tuesday was consumed prepping the elements of a second hand
Cushcraft A4 tribander with plenty of no-ox electrical grease and then
wiring/testing the Ham III rotator system that would be used to turn the
antenna up on Tower Two. It was just maddening, because after several hours
I still couldn't get the damn rotor to turn even lying on the shack floor in
front of me. Somewhere a connection was not being made, but the cable
connections seemed to check out correctly. After the loan of another 9 pin
cable connector by P43P the following evening, I was fortunate to finally
resolve the problem (thanks again Jacob).
Having at least one “gain” antenna on each band 80 through 10 meters was my
highest priority as preparations for the contest progressed. This was felt
to be particularly important on 80 meters, knowing from experience that it
doesn’t take much for a QRP signal to get lost in the QRN. After
considering several possible options, including phased verticals, multiple
slopers, driven horizontal arrays, etc. the easiest solution seemed to be a
3 element 80M parasitic array constructed using inverted V wire elements
suspended from a rope catenary already strung between the two towers.
K4UEE/P40R had previously hung a 4 element 40M wire yagi from the rope
during the CQWW SSB weekend. Early Wednesday morning I did the calculations
needed to scale the plans provided by WX0B for a 75 meter array down to
3.525 MHz. A 500' roll of black No. 12 insulated solid copper house wire
(imported from Home Depot) was used to make the elements.
For those of you who asked, here are the dimensions for the 3 element 80M
wire yagi (centered on 3.525 MHz):
Director: 125 feet
Driven Element: +/- 135.5 feet
Reflector: 147 feet.
The boom is 95 feet long, 55 feet from Director to Driven Element, and 40
feet from Driven Element to Reflector. The driven element was fed with RG8X
through a balun. Nylon string was attached to the ends of each element and
pulled out away as far as possible, raising the tips to approximately 35
feet, high enough to create about a 130 degree angle at the apex point of
each V. Care was taken to keep the elements parallel and properly spaced.
Listening tests that evening, comparing the beam to the inverted V at 70
feet, indicated a marked improvement in signal strength on the few European
signals heard. After hearing this I was quite hopeful the array was
actually delivering some gain. Subsequent contacts with 5C8M and W1WEF
while running QRP further confirmed the antenna was working.
Earlier that day, W4AN and P43P had passed along word that Jon, KL2A, would
be arriving on Aruba that evening while enroute to PJ4B. I picked Jon up at
the airport about 9 p.m. and we had dinner before he crashed at P40V for the
On Thursday my only goal was to complete all remaining antenna work. This
meant getting the Cushcraft A4 up and rotating on the second tower. When
P40J (WX4G) called me in the morning to say he wouldn’t be able to come over
and help, I quickly enlisted the assistance of my host Humphrey, a non-ham,
but no stranger to ground crew duties after 6 years of radio station
activities from his home. We managed to thread the A4 elements through the
guy wires and the antenna was bolted on at 61 feet. But then I noticed the
rotor brake wasn’t working, I could easily turn the antenna by hand.
Fortunately during the majority of the contest weekend, the winds were so
unusually light that the antenna was never pushed out of its desired
With the A4 in place and rotating, I had finally completed all of the
planned antenna work and it wasn’t even Friday yet! I celebrated by
starting to paint the 70 foot tower, working until well after the sun had
set in the west. Later that evening a few bottles of Amstel and a full slab
of baby back ribs were ordered for Thanksgiving Dinner at Tony Roma’s in the
company of Bob, P40J. And still later that night the P40W shack was
arranged for contest operation. Everything was now in place and ready to go
except the new air conditioner.
As mentioned earlier, the towers already had some rust spots and needed
touchup painting to prevent further deterioration. Friday was my only
opportunity to take care of this chore before departing Monday afternoon so
reluctantly I gave up another beach opportunity. It took about 4 additional
hours to complete painting both towers, but it satisfied me that our
investment was properly protected until the next visit. Both P40R and I are
determined to keep up with required tower maintenance during all future
operations to avoid having to go through the effort and expense of another
antenna system rebuild.
About 3 p.m. Friday afternoon I helped Humphrey relocate our new 6,000 BTU
window air conditioner from an upstairs bedroom to a recently created hole
in the shack wall. In less than 30 minutes he had the unit installed and
operating. Given the very hot and humid conditions that were further
exacerbated by the unusually light winds, having the air conditioner was
going to be a real godsend over the weekend.
The tower painting must have made me especially tired since I had absolutely
no difficulty falling asleep that afternoon before the contest, even in the
afternoon heat of an upstairs bedroom. I caught a 3 hour nap, awaking
feeling quite refreshed and somewhat anxious an hour before the contest
Considerable thought and consideration was given to operating strategies and
band usage in the days and weeks leading up to the contest. The prior QRP
operation from this QTH during WPX CW several years earlier had conclusively
proven that I would probably be successful running about 70 percent of the
time, even on 40 meters. The big unknowns were how well the new 80 meter
yagi would work and who would be able to hear me on 160 meters. The plan
called for using 80 and 160 primarily as multiplier bands, and to otherwise
operate on the highest frequency band that was open to either Europe or the
US. I would later modify this approach somewhat but I definitely intended
to work as many 3 point W/VE stations as possible. My pre-contest goal was
to average 100 QSOs per hour, and operate about 42 hours. Sleep breaks were
scheduled between European Sunrise and Local Sunrise (0730 – 1030 UTC) both
mornings. As it turned out my QSO total objective as far too ambitious, but
pre-contest estimations of Zone and Country totals were soundly exceeded on
every band! Conditions were simply fabulous.
Just minutes before the contest began, I decided to open up on 15M where
there seemed to be plenty of loud USA, South America, Pacific, and JA
stations to choose from. I started in S&P mode but quickly found a
frequency clear enough for CQing and a nice steady rate of W’s and JA’s
filled the log. A quick move to 10 meters to pickup some S.A. and Pacific
mults was followed with a run on 14.060. Another strategy followed
throughout the contest weekend was to CQ either up high or down low in the
band, in theory avoiding some of the QRM.
Favorite frequencies for CQing were anywhere 60 or more kHz up from the
lower band edge or when I got lucky, park at the very bottom of the band on
Double O One. As expected most of the time I found CQing more productive
than S&P, and despite my less than dominant signal strength, there were few
attempts to steal my frequency, especially while using the prime real
estate on the low end.
That is not to say QRP operation doesn’t create its share of frustrations.
Having stations CQ in my face after calling them was a constant occurrence.
I found shifting 100 or 200 cycles higher or lower and then trying 2 or 3
more calls seemed to get the attention of most operators. Other times I’d
have a relatively clear CQ frequency and nice rate going when someone would
move in close enough to give me discomfort or say “QRL” and then either not
wait for a response or simply not hear my response. I knew it was totally
useless to engage in frequency fights so for the most part I chose to move
when this happened. Looking for another clear spot to CQ was treated as
just another opportunity to go into S&P mode and find additional
multipliers. Having the right mindset is important when operating QRP.
Breaking pileups was the biggest operating challenge. I came across SU9ZZ a
half dozen times over the weekend but the size of the throng calling made
any chance of my working him impossible. One technique that I found
particularly effective in breaking pileups was to call slightly off
frequency and timing my call so it exactly coincided with the pileup’s
normal hesitation to listen for the DX station’s response. In practice this
meant waiting for the length of about one callsign before sending P40W.
Sometimes it worked, sometimes not. Another technique was to just kept
sending my callsign continuously until the station took notice or became so
annoyed with me that he’d work me just to make me go away. Not very pretty,
but at times quite effective.
During the first 6 hours of the contest I managed to achieve my 100
qsos/hour goal. The average rate was helped by a 138 hour on 80M between 05
and 06 UTC. I was amazed by how well the 80M wire beam was working.
Once European sunrise had passed I decided to keep operating rather than
taking the scheduled sleep break at 0730 UTC. I felt reasonably alert and
the rate was holding between 50 to 60 an hour, mostly US and Pacific on 80
and 40. When I felt the urge to sleep, I’d get up out of the chair and
operate from a standing position. This got me through the worst periods of
drowsiness and probably helped my overall blood circulation too.
About 15 minutes after sunrise I made the move from 40 directly to 10
meters. It seemed to be perfect timing since a run of Europeans was
immediately established up on 28.106. Activity from EU was already spread
out over 200 kHz so I figured a spot somewhere in the middle of the pack
would be about right. This is the hour when Caribbean stations have command
of Europe, before the band opens to the US. I managed a 150 hour, my best
hourly rate up to that point, and ultimately my second best of the weekend.
But at exactly 1200 UTC things changed dramatically, coinciding with sunrise
on the US East Coast. I’d have sworn someone literally turned a switch. My
run disappeared and I began to have difficulty attracting attention from
anyone. With the rate nose-diving, I switched over to S&P mode for most of
the next four hours, tuning up and down 10 and 15 meters working whatever I
heard. At 60/hour it certainly was not as good as CQing, but most stations
were coming back on the first or second call. I suspect my antennas might
be too high for these wide-open conditions.
The tide finally turned at 1600 UTC (noon local time). I was again able to
run consistently on both 15 and 10, and managed to string together 6
consecutive hours of 100 + hours. The peak was a 176 hour between 1800 and
1900 UTC on 10 meters, running mostly W’s. The old saying “there is no
meters like ten meters” was proving to be true.
During the 2100 and 2200 hours I paid a bit more attention to multiplier
hunting and passing stations to other bands. This was especially productive
from 2200 to 2300 UTC, when 33 mults were added to the log in just one hour,
10 of which were doubles. 6V6U moved with me through 5 bands in less than 2
minutes. Several other stations were moved twice or three times. And I
even managed to work some choice DX, like BD4ED on 15M.
The first day ended with 2032 valid QSOs, 433 mults, and roughly 2.6 million
points in the log. The record was already within easy reach.
Over the first four hours of Day 2 another 300 contacts and 60 mults were
logged, pushing the score well over 3.3 million to surpass the current QRP
record score set by JA5DQH when he operated from HI8A in 1991. The
advantages of operating from a 3 point country were very evident. I once
again readjusted my goals, deciding to shoot for a final score of 5 million
and a total QSO count of around 3300, and 400 or more countries.
Conditions on 80 were extremely quiet Saturday night by Caribbean standards.
Between 0235 and 0340 UTC I enjoyed a fabulous run of 122 contacts while
CQing way up on 3.573. Virtually every station was logged on the first call
without the need for repeats, it was that quiet.
Immediately following the great 80 meter run, a chance tune across 15
yielded contacts with such far away goodies as V8A, JT1JA, 5N0W and
UA0DC/Zone 19. WOW! After almost 40 years of hamming, I still get a huge
charge out of experiences like these. Love those sunspots!
The rate then quickly declined to about 50/hour. I caught CN8WW on 160 at
0534 UTC (their op came back on my first call, demonstrating how well those
guys could hear!) and continued to steadily add to the multiplier total
operating in S&P mode most of the time. By 0730 I was having a difficult
time staying awake and decided it was the right point to take a scheduled
off time and nap until local sunrise.
I only overslept about twenty minutes, returning to the shack at 1050 UTC.
Ten meters didn’t sound nearly as good as the first morning, and my attempt
to get a European run going proved hopeless. Deciding to scan 20M I snagged
H44MX for a double mult. Like the previous day, a majority of the morning
hours were spent in S&P mode rotating between 10 and 15 meters. Found
OX/N6AA way up on 28.222 for a double and HC8N was smoking on 28.212. If
you haven’t been tuning for mults higher in the bands, it’s time to change
your operating style.
The balance of the contest was spent trying to balance running with
multiplier hunting. The rate stayed in the 50 to 85 per hour range with the
exception of a 146 hour on 15 working mostly W/VE stations starting at 2000
UTC. Among the great DX worked on Sunday were VU2PAI, TZ6DX, 9M2JI,
3B8/F6HMJ, A45XR, YB1SSG, S92CW, and VK6WR to mention just a few.
Requesting stations to QSY to other bands was somewhat successful throughout
the contest, and particular thanks go to the operators at V47KP, HO3A,
HK6KKK, EA8EA, OH0Z, 4U1VIC, RW2F, LY3BA, PJ4B, 4M7X, 8P9Z, 6V6U, KL7Y,
and VE3EJ for being so accommodating. About 50 multipliers were added to
the log as the result of band passing. Thanks again.
One additional operating note I would like to share. Throughout the contest
I used Super Check Partial to confirm callsigns. Last year my error rate
was far too high and the resulting score reduction unacceptable. By using
this tool, I’m confident my UBNs have been substantially reduced. Whenever
a call was not confirmed by the master file, I consciously applied more
attention to the contact to be sure what I had entered in the log was
correct. If there was any doubt at all, a repeat was requested. I’m
convinced the extra time required to perform this additional step will pay
big dividends in terms of accuracy and final score and others might consider
adopting a similar technique.
When the final bell rang, I had accomplished all of my goals and then some.
The new Piexx digital board in my aging TS930 had worked perfectly and taken
the drudgery out of band changes, eliminating the need to manually record
each change on CT. In summary I felt this had been one of the most
enjoyable and interesting contests I had ever experienced. The results were
An hour or so later, P43P, P43E, P40E and I were enjoying our traditional
post-contest dinner, a chance to swap stories and decompress. Jose was
raving about SO2R operation and how it had added so many additional
multipliers to his P40E log without worry of loosing his run frequency.
Jacob and Emily related how they had gotten their feet wet doing some slower
speed CW operating during the contest. I added a few stories about the
amazing DX that can be worked running QRP.
After dinner, it was immediately back to work in the shack disassembling the
operating position in preparation for my departure the following afternoon.
Fortunately I had had the foresight to prepare a detailed tear down plan on
Thursday evening knowing my mind would be mush after the contest.
Below is the continental breakdown. As you can see over 50% of my contacts
were in North America as planned.
160 80 40 20 15 10 ALL percent
North America CW 20 307 346 357 426 460 1916 56.3
South America CW 4 7 9 15 22 16 73 2.1
Europe CW 0 111 186 129 305 472 1203 35.4
Asia CW 0 2 11 60 32 25 130 3.8
Africa CW 1 5 6 10 13 13 48 1.4
Oceania CW 1 0 6 9 8 8 32 0.9
Awoke early Monday morning to the sound of a pounding tropical rainsquall.
More downpours would follow throughout the morning – soaking me to the bone
and slowing down my cleanup efforts. Weather conditions were obviously less
than ideal for rolling up and storing away about 1,300 feet of feedline and
control cables, disassembly of the 80M yagi, relocating the ends of the wire
antennas, pulling in the beverages, and putting a manual brake on the broken
rotator up on Tower 2. So much work, so little time.
And overshadowing all of this was some uncertainty about how I would get to
the airport later in the day. The hydraulic clutch cylinder on Humphrey’s
van had failed on Friday and he was in the process of repairing it. When
time came for me to leave, the van was not fixed and the neighbor that
Humphrey had hoped would provide my ride to the airport was no where to be
found. It was now 45 minutes before flight time and counting down.
Fortunately his sister-in-law responded to a last minute telephone call and
I eventually arrived at the airport just 25 minutes before takeoff time.
Officially American Airlines had already closed out flight check-in but they
were most accommodating. Airline personnel closely tracked my progress
through airport security, customs and US Immigration. HT equipped airline
employees greeted me by name at several points along the route, reassuring
me that I would make my flight to Miami. In the end, I was buckled into my
seat less than 2 minutes before the scheduled departure. Whew, that was
way too close. And yes, my luggage made the flight too!
I want to thank many special individuals whose efforts and cooperation
helped to make this operation so successful. First and foremost, my Aruban
hosts Humphrey and Corrie, for their continuing hospitality and unfailing
tolerance (think about how you would deal with a house guest who lays
hundreds of feet of wire all over your front and back yard). My new
employer Bardess Group Limited for granting my request for a week’s vacation
after just 2 weeks on the job. Jacob, P43P, for his ongoing counsel and
supplying critical spare parts, tools, and other resources. Jay, WX0B, for
providing the 75M wire yagi dimensions. Bob, K4UEE/P40R, for his efforts in
preparing our shared station during his CQWW SSB visit. Jose, CT1BOH/P40E
for helping me with computer setup. Pete, NO2R, for installing the new
Piexx digital board in my TS930 on very short notice. K2TW, N2MM, N2VW,
K3PH and W3BGN for supplying coax, rotor cable, spare keyers and other
station equipment. Danny, K7SS, for continuing to encourage me (every year
for the last decade it seems) to do a serious QRP effort from Aruba in CQWW.
And finally many special thanks go to members of the Cherryville Repeater
Association and the Frankford Radio Club for providing me with an unending
stream of encouragement, technical advice and literally hundreds of contest
73 and Seasons Greetings,
John W2GD
HOUR 160 80 40 20 15 10 HR TOT CUM TOT
0 ..... ..... ..... 24/6 52/20 8/8 84/34 84/34
1 . . . 92/19 . . 92/19 176/53
2 6/9 23/24 . 4/4 . . 33/37 209/90
3 1/1 7/3 98/30 . . . 106/34 315/124
4 2/3 15/1 53/23 . . . 70/27 385/151
5 . 138/14 . . . . 138/14 523/165
6 . 35/1 66/6 3/3 . . 104/10 627/175
7 1/1 27/5 34/11 . . . 62/17 689/192
8 3/2 21/0 42/2 5/0 ..... ..... 71/4 760/196
9 3/3 12/3 44/1 1/2 . . 60/9 820/205
10 4/1 3/3 37/14 . . . 44/18 864/223
11 . . 12/0 . 1/2 137/46 150/48 1014/271
12 . . . . 10/11 54/7 64/18 1078/289
13 . . . 6/3 30/12 30/1 66/16 1144/305
14 . . . . . 51/7 51/7 1195/312
15 . . . . . 54/14 54/14 1249/326
16 ..... ..... ..... ..... 95/15 9/0 104/15 1353/341
17 . . . . 102/9 8/1 110/10 1463/351
18 . . . . . 176/11 176/11 1639/362
19 . . . 1/1 69/5 46/1 116/7 1755/369
20 . . . 27/10 2/1 79/0 108/11 1863/380
21 . . 1/1 1/2 58/4 9/1 69/8 1932/388
22 . 1/2 1/1 9/11 11/13 7/6 29/33 1961/421
23 . . . 56/8 19/1 3/3 78/12 2039/433
0 ..... 14/4 1/1 16/2 16/5 ..... 47/12 2086/445
1 . 6/3 54/4 . . . 60/7 2146/452
2 . 48/5 1/1 16/3 2/1 1/1 68/11 2214/463
3 . 67/7 . 4/1 4/5 . 75/13 2289/476
4 3/1 . . 53/4 . . 56/5 2345/481
5 2/2 7/3 10/1 26/0 . . 45/6 2390/487
6 . . 33/3 7/4 . . 40/7 2430/494
7 . . 50/0 . . . 50/0 2480/494
8 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 2480/494
9 . . . . . . . 2480/494
10 . . . . 4/1 . 4/1 2484/495
11 . . 3/1 14/3 3/0 12/0 32/4 2516/499
12 . . . 2/1 1/1 65/3 68/5 2584/504
13 . . . . 30/1 36/2 66/3 2650/507
14 . . . . . 54/0 54/0 2704/507
15 . . . . 25/1 24/3 49/4 2753/511
16 ..... ..... ..... 3/2 17/3 32/0 52/5 2805/516
17 . . . . 34/5 3/1 37/6 2842/522
18 . . . 1/0 37/1 6/5 44/6 2886/528
19 . . . . 32/2 56/0 88/2 2974/530
20 . . . 12/4 133/3 1/1 146/8 3120/538
21 . . 1/2 45/7 1/0 . 47/9 3167/547
22 . . . 76/5 . 10/2 86/7 3253/554
23 1/2 . 14/0 70/4 . . 85/6 3338/560
DAY1 20/20 282/56 388/89 229/69 449/93 671/106 ..... 2039/433
DAY2 6/5 142/22 167/13 345/40 339/29 300/18 . 1299/127
TOT 26/25 424/78 555/102 574/109 788/122 971/124 . 3338/560
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