[CQ-Contest] Re: Two letter, or partial, calls

W1HIJCW at aol.com W1HIJCW at aol.com
Thu Jul 29 00:19:55 EDT 1999

In a message dated 7/28/99 09:31:14 Pacific Daylight Time, n5nj at att.net 

>  I 
>  doubt seriously that many of those listening are 
>  analyzing the techniques involved in order to emulate 
>  them. 

No doubt true -- however, I was stunned at a gathering recently (a sort of 
local ham fest) where a station had been set up to demonstrate HF to the 
beginner crowd. Some sort of phone contest was going on with an opening on 
10M (I no longer remember what it was) and a couple of LU's had pretty good 
signals. An acquaintance of mine happened by while I was tuning around and I 
suggested that he call the LU then tuned in, thinking that he might get a 
kick out of an LU contact with his KF6 tech plus call. Much to my chagrin, he 
picked up the mic, waited for an opportune moment and then shouted "charlie 
quebec, charlie quebec" (his "last two"). I suggested that perhaps he might 
want to use his whole call, and told him why. His response? --- "well, when I 
listen to the bands that's what I hear, so that's what I thought was right".

Remember the original post was a plea for suggestions to correct this 
situation. Ignoring it will only make it worse as newcomers to the hobby and 
contesting do the natural thing and emulate what they hear on the air.



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