[CQ-Contest] Re: Last 2

Jon Ogden jono at enteract.com
Wed Jul 28 23:06:51 EDT 1999

Trey Garlough wrote:

>> The frustration of trying to get a 2X2 call through, let alone a 2X3 call,
>> before getting blasted by someone running the "legal limit" can get to you
>> after a while.
>The correct call for you to make is
>Kilo Kilo Seven Sierra Radio

I've jumped in just recently to this discussion so forgive me if I have 
missed part of this.

What is so liddish and obnoxious about using the last two letters of your 
call when trying to get a DX station to hear you?  Or the last three 
letters?  Or the first two letters?  What is the big deal?

The whole idea, IMO, of breaking a pileup is to do just that.  You use 
whatever way you can (within the guidelines of not purposefully stepping 
on someone or calling during another stations turn, etc.).  So what is 
the big deal about using the last 2 other than some operators may not 
like it?  Personally, if I am running a pileup (yes, we Illinois folks 
get pileups sometimes believe it or not and I also have operated from ZP 
land) I care not how many letters they give.  In fact, during some of my 
biggest pileups I find the fastest way to get people IS those people who 
give 2 letters of their call.  I end up being able to work more stations 
than having to drag an entire call out of the muck.  In fact, I dare say 
that during a pileup, many times you don't get a full call but get only 
partial letters anyhow.

So what is the big problem?  Please, I'm not trying to be contentious 
here, it just doesn't make sense to me.

Agreed, if the operator on the receiving end of the pileup asks for full 
calls then give it.  Otherwise, what's the deal.

Someone else said that giving the last two letters of your call does not 
count as a "legal" ID.  If that's all you did, he's right.  However, as 
long as you ID at the END and every 10 minutes during your transmissions, 
it is legal.  So if I use KE9, KE9NA, NA or whatever it's legal as long 
as KE9NA comes in sometimes.



Jon Ogden

http://www.qsl.net/ke9na    <--- CHECK IT OUT!  It's been updated!!!!!

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