[CQ-Contest] Fwd: Youth contesting...

TOMK5RC at aol.com TOMK5RC at aol.com
Mon Jun 21 20:41:11 EDT 1999


Great input! The letter stimulated an idea that, perhaps, contesting.com 
might be the place to have a mentor resource page where those who are 
interested in hosting the "deserving up-and-coming" could make their 
intentions known.

When my station was in its glory, I ran a home for wayward young contesters 
like K5ZD, K5GN, N5JJ, KN5H and N5EA. I would be willing to continue the 
tradition, but don't know how to make myself available in my new QTH. Perhaps 
there are others in the wings who would make themselves (and perhaps) their 
stations available to help those who are hardware/location/resource 
challenged develop their contesting skills.

An on-line list might also describe the extent of involvement potential 
mentors might desire like; putting on presentations at local club meetings; 
hosting multi-ops; trading tower work for solo contest weekends; etc.

What do you guys think?

Tom, K5RC
aka K7GJ

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