[CQ-Contest] Re: Packet Dupes & Blown calls

K3BU at aol.com K3BU at aol.com
Wed Mar 3 19:47:32 EST 1999

In a message dated 3/3/99 7:13:23 PM Eastern Standard Time, geoiii at kkn.net

<<  We really did have them BEFORE packet spotting.  >>

Hi George,
the point was that this duping thing happend all of a sudden with pileup of
big guns making dupes. This is why suspect is packet with typoed call. The
point is that some operators don't bother checking what is really send, quite
often they just blindly accept what is served by packet. I had my share of
UBNs taken out of the log, because many people miscopied variations of my call
VE3BMV, VE3BMV/1, VX3BMV/1 (had to get VE1BY and VA1A, much better). And then
some stations would say QSO B4, when I did not work them. (Doubling up on freq
eith someone else).
	The point of the point is: lets be more carefull with copying the calls and
make sure it is right. If not sure ask, better than suffering penalties. 

Yuri K3BU, to be XJ1BY (put it in the master db)

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