[CQ-Contest] A Zero Guy Replies

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Wed Mar 3 20:27:38 EST 1999

W6TKV asked:

Have been following this thread, and have been surprised not to hear
from a "special interest" group".  That is, the guys who see how many
Q's they can make and still achieve a score of zero points.  If any
group has been injured by this change, it is this group of hardy
pioneers who are now are an "extinct species".

Sigh ...

Fred Roberts, W6TKV
Riverside, CA

- -----------------------

	Well, I've done that, but guess not anymore!   It was hard work however, as I
refused to call CQ (except rarely on 160 meters) while doing a zero point
effort, as I did not like to ignore or blow off the occasional Canadian or
other DX that would call in.  But OTOH being pure S&P made it a good  contest
for those years when it coincided with the NCAA basketball tournament.

	But I welcome the change from the stupid concept of zero point qsos.  I may
once again see about borrowing a wierd prefix call from the local DX club to
use for at least a few hours in CW.  During the SSB weekend will be out in the
sunshine in south Florida.	

	Jim    K8MR

Trivia question:   What well known CQ-Contest reflector participant holds the
(now unbreakable) record for the "biggest" zero point WPX score?    

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