[CQ-Contest] SS-LOG Super-Check

Barry Kutner w2up at mindspring.com
Sun Mar 7 12:54:08 EST 1999

Someone said:
> >
> >#1..........SS is not Sprint. I don't feel SS should be checked as hard as
> >Sprint because of the tremendous amount of unique information that is
> >exchanged in SS. Too many variables with QRM and fading that allows one
> dit to
> >be lost which causes TWO QSOs lost. The penalty thing is ridiculous.

It surprises me that a contester would suggest lax log checking. The 
whole point of the exchange is copying it (remember, the SS 
exchange is based on the traffic handling preamble). Seems like just 
another part of the "dumbing down" of ham radio, just like the 
proposed licensing changes...

Barry Kutner, W2UP              Internet: w2up at mindspring.com
Newtown, PA         FRC         alternate: barry at w2up.wells.com

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