[CQ-Contest] Wisconsin QSO Party

Chad Kurszewski Chad_Kurszewski at css.mot.com
Thu Mar 11 09:07:43 EST 1999

The Wisconsin QSO Party is this Sunday.  Your participation would
be greatly appreciated by all the Cheeseheads.  It's a short one,
only 7 hours, and the activity is very high!

The lowdown:
This Sunday, March 14th, 18z - 01z Monday.
All bands (suggested 80M-2M), both CW and phone.  1 point phone, 2 CW.
All stations may be worked once per mode on each band.  In addition,
mobiles may be worked once per mode per Wisconsin county.

Official rules, county names, and previous year's scores, can be found at:

Also, Wisconsin's WA1UJU has a WQP logging program available for download
at the above site.

And as of March 11th, N6TR's TR-log software now fully supports the WQP
both in and out of state.  Make sure you have version 6.37 or newer.

Hope to see you on!!!

Chad Kurszewski, WE9V                       e-mail:  WE9V at qth.com
The Official "Sultans of Shwing" Web Site:  http://www.QTH.com/sos

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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