[CQ-Contest] QRZ without giving call

Dale L. Martin kg5u at hal-pc.org
Thu Mar 11 17:44:56 EST 1999

>Operating from the DX side, you would be truly astonished at the
>number of people that yell "CALL?" on your frequency, even when
>are giving your callsign after *every single* QSO.
Exactamente, Señor!!

At XA5T, I made it a point to use our call after every QSO.

It was amazing how many times I was asked for our call.

I cannot believe they just spun onto the freq and called in the
pileup without knowing who it was.. But, I guess that has to be
what happened.

I was also amazed at the number of times we were duped.  There
were times when the same station came back ten minutes later and
called us again.... AND we had a clear frequency, so he couldn't
have been workings someone else on the QRG that I couldn't hear.
I had one guy come by three times within about an hour or two.  I
guess he just liked our call.

dale, kg5u

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