[CQ-Contest] Hear and be heard

Ralph Bowen rbowen at iglobal.net
Sat Mar 13 22:17:18 EST 1999

Well stated Pete.  To go a step further, even if the running station doesn't
get a call or a letter,  he should go back to something after 3 or 4 seconds.
"The Bravo 59100".  If there is no "Bravo", he can QRZ again, or pick another
letter to try.  KEEP IN CONTROL!!   The key to pileup control is transmitting
frequently to stop the pileup.  Once the pileup is allowed to "roll", it
becomes trouble.  As a general rule the callers will realize they can only say
their call once & shut up.

73,  Gator  N5RZ

Pete Smith wrote:

> Aside from cooperation from callers, it seems to me the most important
> thing an operator can do (besides signing every time) is to work on always
> getting a call, complete or partial, out of the first wave of callers.
> Nothing causes a pileup to degenerate into chaos faster than for callers to
> see that the op who calls last is rewarded with a QSO.  If you absolutely
> can't get anyone out of the pile, it's better to wait and call QRZ again
> than to pick up someone who "tailends" the pileup.

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