[CQ-Contest] Hear and be heard

N7DF n7df at netmdc.com
Fri Mar 12 07:45:48 EST 1999

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I used to teach defensive driving classes.  One of the things we always =
tried to pund into the heads of our students was the importance of =
seeing and being seen.  If you see the other driver in time you can =
avoid him.  If he can see you in time he can avoid you.

The Corollary here is that the other operator must be able to identify =
you in the shortest time possible and you must get him the exchange =
information, clearly and unmistakeably, in the shortest time possible to =
maximize your rate.  Anything that detracts from this is =

There are better ways of controlling your pileup than creating confusion =
by not giving your call.

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