[CQ-Contest] Re: Contesting in year 2000?

Trey Garlough trey at kkn.net
Mon Mar 15 08:18:27 EST 1999

> Here is a suggestion for a possible workaround:
> I would like to avoid throwing away my contest PC, so I am
> looking at the possibility of rolling the date back to 1989,
> instead of 1999.  Then next year, it will work away happily,
> believing that the year is 1990.  CT will also work happily
> in the date year of 1990.

> Therefore if the ARRL Contest Committee will accept logs
> for the ARRL DX Contest of 2000, to be dated as 1990
> (with suitable disclaimer!) will the problem be solved?

If you need to do this as a workaround for some kind of Y2K problem,
then after the contest you should go back and edit the ZL1ANJ.LOG file
with a program like DOS EDIT and correct the dates with the global
substitue feature before submitting it.

--Trey, N5KO

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