[CQ-Contest] Poisson d'Avril

k1dg at ix.netcom.com k1dg at ix.netcom.com
Fri Mar 26 20:18:41 EST 1999

K0 Happy Birthday wrote:

>Zack Widup wrote:
>> Isn't it "that time of year again" for ... the Poisson d'Avril Contest?
>> Whatever happened to that one?  Did it die due to lack of participation?

>Nope, it didn't die.  I won.  My score, because of penalties assigned
>during the log checking, was reduced to (negative) 5412 contacts, and
>(negative) 531 mults.  -5412 x -531 = 2,873,772 points.
>73, Hans, K0HB

Nay, nay, Hamburger Breath! You didn;t win, but it was a strong second-place 

That K1DG guy won. Again. What's that? 10 in a row now? How *does* he do it?

The results were sent to all major radio and contest publications via the 
special ARRL 10M log server, but somehow, they never made it.

Look for an announcement real soon...probably next Friday. I understand that 
there are some significant rules changes...like QSOs with your own country 
count -1 point each to offset the recent WPX rule change.

73 and bonne chance dans le P d'A!

Doug K1DG
Le Grand Poisson

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