[CQ-Contest] WPX observations from W6

Trey Garlough trey at kkn.net
Mon Mar 29 09:20:08 EST 1999

This is the impact of the new 1-point QSO rule as observed in by this
station in California:

o I logged *all* QSOs with W's this year rather than just saying
  "KB4xxx 59-some number" then not logging them if they weren't a

o I called a bunch of W's on the second radio when I was in the mood.

o During hours 31 through 36 of my single op effort I worked W's at 
  65 QSOs (65 QSO points) per hour while the east coast worked Europe 
  at 75 QSOs (225 QSO points) per hour.  This is admittedly better than 
  working 0 QSO points per hour.

No, it wasn't TEOTWAWKI (The End Of The World As We Know It), but at
the same time I think people haven't caught on to the idea of making
same-country QSOs in this contest.  I'm certain that at least half of
the W's I worked on multiple bands resulted from *me* calling *them*.

On the other hand, conditions this time were good enough that there
were other forms of entertainment besides making W-to-W QSOs.  In
Californa we even had about 30 hours where we could work little-pistol
type DX stations, which is a huge improvement over our usual
situation.  In fact, the Europe opening Friday night on 20 was longer
that the sum total of all Europe openings on all bands combined in WPX
SSB over the past few years, so that was fun!

Naturally I would still like to see WPX go back to the more
competitive 30-hour format for single ops...

--Trey, N5KO/6

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