[CQ-Contest] Re: Choice of CW Narrow filters

Edward W. Sleight k4sb at mindspring.com
Wed May 12 18:26:18 EDT 1999

Fred Laun K3ZO wrote:
> zf2nt wrote:
> >  I believe it's the height of rudeness to plop down within someone
> >500Hz bandwidth and blast away, then simply ignore the pleas of the
> >fellow whose frequency you are essentially trying to steal.
> I resent  the fact that someone else wants to define for me what my >
receiving  bandwidth should be by sending "QRL" when in fact I'm several >
hundred Hz  from being zero-beat with him.
> In actual fact, the problem seldom occurs to me on CW.  I am more
 > likely to  encounter someone on SSB who proclaims "frequency in
use" > when I am in fact
> more than 1 KHz away from his transmitting frequency.  My stock answer >
is: "If you had to move the dial to tell me it was in use, then it >
wasn't", and  I mean it!
> 73, Fred

Well, let's see...I have 500 cycle cw filters, and 1.8 kc SSB filters.
So, if you're "several hundred" cycles from me with your usual
exceptional signal, or 1 kc away on SSB, you are in fact within my
normal bandpass.

Your attitude needs adjustment, and I mean that!


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