[CQ-Contest] Re: Owning a Frequency

Jon Ogden jono at enteract.com
Wed May 12 17:31:01 EDT 1999

>I do hope that I will never pretend to think that anybody has any more
>right to situate themselves on a frequency than anybody else during a
>contest, including myself.

I wish someone would tell that to the SSTVers on 14.230.  During CQWWPX I 
had been working a run of Europeans for about an hour around 14.233.  
These jerks thought I was too close to "their" frequency and decided to 
start transmitting a little higher and QRM'd me.  Needless to say I 
continued on and saw only a modest dip in my run rate.  Then one of them 
had the audacity to yell at me and tell me that I was QRMing them!  
That's when I lost it!  I eventually had to take a break and so I left 
soon after that, but it is annoying when someone thinks they "own" a 
frequency.  If they ask me nicely to move I likely would as a net control 
op did later that afternoon farther up the band.  He asked nicely and I 
moved and even worked him for a point and multiplier!  But no one owns 
any frequency and frankly QRM is part of any contest.



The Second Amendment is NOT about duck hunting!

Jon Ogden

jono at enteract.com

"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

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