[CQ-Contest] SCP in practice

Wed May 12 15:18:31 EDT 1999

n5nj at att.net wrote:

> When this feature was first added, I saw it as a way to
> begin to compete with guys who seem to live on the air
> all the time like K1AR or N5TJ et al.  They know what
> callsigns are active and have a built-in SCP going all
> the time in their heads.  

> I see no reason to oppose this feature.

With all due respect, I think you just made a strong case
*against* SCP.  Stated another way, your reasoning could be
boiled down to "SCP allows my computer to compensate for my
lack of a skill that good operators have taken the time to

Sounds kinda cold, and I don't mean it as a slam against
anyone personally, but copying the exchange should be about
skill, not purchased memory.

73, Hans, K0HB

  Observation the morning after the contest:

  "A logging computer lets you make more mistakes faster than 
   any invention in human history -- with the possible 
   exception of a quart of tequila and a borrowed Vibroplex 
   key." --K0HB 


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