[CQ-Contest] Announce of the Ukrainian DX Contest

Vladimir A. Gordienko gord at kron.donetsk.ua
Tue Nov 2 13:48:13 EST 1999

               The UKRAINIAN DX CONTEST 1999 Rules
The Ukrainian Amateur Radio League and the Ukrainian Contest Club
invite amateurs all over the world to participate in the annual
Ukrainian DX Contest.
       1. Contest period:
The first full weekend in November from 12:00 UTC Saturday to 12:00 UTC
Sanday.  (6 - 7. November. 1999)
       2. Mode:
   Mixed (CW,SSB,RTTY).
       3. Bands and Modes:      :
   1.8 - 3.5 - 7 - 14 - 21 - 28 Mhz.
       4. Categories:
   A. Single Op, All Bands.
   B. Single Op, Single band.
   C. Multi Op, Multi Bands, Single Transmitter.
   D. Multi Op, Multi Bands, Multi Transmitters.
   E. Single Op, All Bands QRP (5W output).
   F. SWL (as category A).
   G. Single Op, All Bands, RTTY only.
A station in category C can change the band after 10 minutes of
operation on it. At the same time it is possible to make a QSO on another
band which gives a new multiplier. It is also permitted for all categories
to work the same station three times (CW,SSB,RTTY) on each band, but 10
minutes must elapse between each contact.
       5. Exchange:
RS(T) + serial number starting from 001.
Ukrainian stations after RS(T) will send two letters, the abbreviation
of the name of the region.
The list of Ukrainian regions (according to the former "R-100-0" award
057-VI, 058-VO, 059-LU, 060-DN, 062-ZH, 063-ZA, 064-ZP, 065-KO, 066-KI,
067-KR, 068-LV, 069-NI, 070-OD, 071-PO, 072-RI, 073-DO; 074-IF; 075-SU;
076-TE; 077-HA; 078-HE; 079-HM; 080-CH; 081-CR; 082-CN; 186-KV; 187-SL.
       6. Scoring:
   - QSO with own country counts 1 point;
   - QSO with own continent counts 2 points;
   - QSO with another continent counts 3 points;
   - QSO with Ukraine counts 10 points.
       7. Multipliers:
The sum of worked (heard) once (independent of mode) DXCC and WAE
countries and Ukrainian regions per band.
       8. Final score:
Total QSO points times the total number of multiplier points.
       9. Results of Ukrainian stations will sum up separately. QSOs with
own contry for Ukrainian stations is not permitted.
      10. Awards:
First place certificates will be awarded in each category for top-scoring
station in each country.
      11. Logs:
Logs must be in accordance with generally accepted formats, separate for
each band.
      12. Mail logs to:
      Ukrainian Contest Club HQ
      P.O.Box 4850, Zaporizhzhe, 330118, Ukraine.
      13. Email address for logs:
      <uy5zz at qsl.net>
      14. Deadline:
Entries must be postmarked not later than 30 days after the contest.
      15. Disqualification:
      - violation of the rules;
      - unsportsmanlike behaviour;
      - excessive number of unmarked duplicates (>3%);
      - excessive number of unique calls (>5%).
      16. Detailed information regarding results and rules of the Ukrainian
DX Contest is placed on http://www.qsl.net/ucc/ .
      We do hope to meet you in the Ukrainian DX contest and please
      inform your friends about the rules of the contest.
                                  Good luck!
                               The Ukrainian Amateur Radio league,
                               The Ukrainian Contest Club.

Vladimir ("Bob")  UT1IA  =  EO1I .
mailto: gord at kron.donetsk.ua

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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