[CQ-Contest] NCJ CTT&T topic

Gary Sutcliffe ums at nconnect.net
Tue Nov 2 08:08:50 EST 1999

Hi gang

Now that CQWW has your contest juices flowing, its time to look back at
contesting in the past. The first Contest Tips, Tricks & Techniques column
of the new century will take up the topic of contesting in the past.

Please send you comments directly to me. Be sure to include  your call sign
in your response. Thanks again for everyone's help over the years.

Topic for January-February 2000 (Deadline November 5, 1999)

The first CTT&T of the new century!  Lets take a look back.  Please
describe your contesting 20 years or more ago.  What kind of equipment did
you use? What strategies did you use back then?  What did you consider good
rates, and QSO or multiplier totals?  Were those the good old days, or are
they now?

Thanks & 73 - Gary, W9XT

Gary Sutcliffe, W9XT  ums at nconnect.net

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Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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