[CQ-Contest] CQWW Multiplier Station THE ANSWER

DougKR2Q at aol.com DougKR2Q at aol.com
Tue Oct 26 22:51:19 EDT 1999

Dear Contesters:

Warc bands are not permitted for contesting in CQWW.  Contesting includes 
locating stations to "move," either from one mode to another, or from one 
band to another.  To do so would increase your score.  Therefore, you are 
"contesting" on the WARC bands.

You cannot use any other callsign to "assist" the "mother" station, so don't 
plan on that either.

As for moving stations from one mode to another, that is NOT addressed in the 
rules.  It has been done for decades.  This is of use only at multi-op 
stations where they have so many op's, rigs, and antennas, that there is 
nothing better for the 2nd op per band to do.  It has to be a pretty slow 
rate and lousy condx for this type of activity to pay off.

There is NOTHING in the definition of "category" that defines the mode.

de Doug KR2Q

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