[CQ-Contest] Re: Cabrillo format, Dupes, NoQSO's

Guy Olinger, K2AV k2av at qsl.net
Fri Sep 24 19:29:53 EDT 1999

I had a look at the format. A BIG step forward. Wonderful.

Question, though:

What do we do to mark a log line as "DUPE" or "NO-QSO", so we don't
get penalized for not marking dupes as dupes, or claiming credit for a
busted qso that we know we didn't complete (without removing the line
and causing the other guy to get a penalty). 

(In the latter case, if no-one steps up to solve that problem, I'm
going to put NO0QSO in as the call sign, so they'll at least drop out
as dupes, giving the other guy a chance at a point when the log is

On 24 Sep 1999 17:25:43 -0000, you wrote:

>Hi Gang-
>I have finished putting together a table of grid squares for all of
>the Russian oblasts (for UA and UA9).   This was a lot of work - but
>the results will be unequaled resolution for beam headings, sunrise/sunset
>and distance numbers.
>The last countries that I think could use this would be Ukraine and
>perhaps Kazakhstan.  Does anyone know off hand if the new callsign
>structures in these countries still support determination of their
>oblast?  If anyone knows of a source of callsign prefix versus oblast
>for these countries - I would appreciate a copy or URL.  I am also
>trying to get similar information for China.
>I will also put XE1, 2 and 3 into the mix - but XE2 is a pretty
>big area (so is VE8).  VK and VE used ITU zones before, but will
>now use call areas as well.  One other feature that I will put in
>is to use the grid for a specific call from the TRMASTER database
>if one is available.  That way, you can put in a specific grid
>for some well known stations and have accurate information for
>them (i.e, 6D2X).  
>I am getting close to putting out another release.  This will be a 
>pretty major one and then I will once again focus on some of the
>POST TRMASTER issues that have been stacking up.  The new release
>will have the new SS exchange changes in it (new precedences).
>Also, in this second release, POST will support the new Cabrillo 
>data format that is being adopted by most contest sponsors.
>If you haven't heard about this (which is very possible as it hasn't
>been talked about much yet) check out http://www.kkn.net/~trey/cabrillo/.  
>Submitting your SS log with this format will save me some time during 
>one of my other "jobs".  Same for CQ WW.

73, Guy
--. .-..

Guy Olinger, K2AV
k2av at qsl.net
Apex, NC, USA

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