[CQ-Contest]WRTC2000 - COMMUNIQUÉ No. 12

Robert Bajuk s57aw at bit.si
Tue Apr 4 19:12:11 EDT 2000


Ljubljana, 4th March 2000

Dear Contesters,

WRTC2000 Organizing Committee has come up with complete rules for awarding
stations making contacts with WRTC2000 stations. WRTC2000 will be run within
IARU HF CHAMPIONSHIP, with 53 stations competing. Each team will use special
call with unique prefix from S500A-S599Z block, thus making them rather
interesting for prefix hunters.

Each valid contact (duplicate contacts do not count) with WRTC stations
(S500A-S599Z) brings one (1) point, regardless of mode and band. Multi and
single operator stations compete in the same ranking. IARU HQ stations will
be ranked separately.

. Special WRTC T-shirts will be awarded to all stations achieving more than:
80 points (DX) and 160 points (EU).

. Prizes and certificates will also be awarded to highest ranking stations:

           1st place        2nd and 3rd place
 WW  plaque + prize   certificate + prize
 EU   plaque + prize    certificate + prize
 NA  plaque + prize   certificate + prize
 SA  plaque + prize   certificate + prize
 AS  plaque + prize   certificate + prize
 AF  plaque + prize   certificate + prize
 OC  plaque + prize   certificate + prize
 S5  plaque + prize   certificate + prize
 USA  plaque + prize   certificate + prize
 JA  plaque + prize   certificate + prize
 HQ  plaque + prize   certificate + prize

. Special certificates and practical prizes will be awarded for:

Worked All WRTC Stations - MIXED
Worked All WRTC Stations - CW
Worked All WRTC Stations - SSB
Worked All WRTC Stations - Single Band

Only one prize is available for same station.

Excerpts from logs must be submitted (only e-mail or floppy disc) to
WRTC2000 Organizing Committee, no later than 15th August 2000.

Stations which will submit their complete IARU HF Championship logs via
e-mail until 24 UTC, July 9th, 2000, will be automatically included in above
described rankings. Logs will be used for cross-checking purposes. Our
e-mail address is:

scc at bit.si

73 and please spread the world!

Tine Brajnik, S50A
WRTC2000 Organizing Committee, President
Sent by Robert, S57AW  April 04th 2000  16:20 GMT


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