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Bob Wruble
ai7b at
Wed Apr 12 21:45:34 EDT 2000
why the hell do they need 3 digits???
----- Original Message -----
From: "S56A" <Marijan.Miletic at>
To: <cq-contest at>
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 7:33 PM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Promote this WRTC callsigns
> S511E S521H S531R S541F S561C S571W S581I
> S512T S522R S532N S542B S562P S572L S582A
> S513A S523W S533G S543C S563X S573O S583D
> S514U S524G S534J S544Z S564Q S574V S584M
> S516M S526O S536P S546Q S566Z S576K S586U
> S517W S527K S537L S547B S567F S577V S587N
> S518N S528D S538F S548X S568Y S578R S588S
> S519I S529A S539D S549L
> This is the list of 53 special S5 callsigns for competing
> teams during the 3rd WRTC event at Bled, July 5-11th 2000.
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