[CQ-Contest] 2000 Ohio QSO Party

Jeffrey Clarke ku8e1 at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 18 09:34:34 EDT 2000

Just a reminder that the 2000 version of the Ohio QSO Party is only a
week away -

August 26th 1600Z - August 27th 0400Z .  The Mad River Radio Club will
be out in

force again with K8CC,K8XXX,W8AV,K8MR, and KU8E all mobiling around
the state

in an attempt to activate all 88 counties.  There are a bunch of new
plaques being

offered this year, including a Top Single-Op Mountain/Pacific Time
Zone plaque, to give

you guys out west an incentive to spend some time to work us.  For all
the details check out

the OQP website at http://www.qsl.net/mrrc/oqp.html Also, please note
there are rule

changes from 1999 and a freeware version of NA is available for
download at the website.

                                                          Jeff  KU8E

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