[CQ-Contest] Harvesting Mults in CQWW as an SO1R

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Mon Dec 4 14:20:14 EST 2000

Looking at my CQWWCW score, I'm struck by how big the gap is between my
multiplier counts and those of the stations above me on the leader board.
Even if I only consider the stations that don't say they're SO2R (I suspect
some, at least, are but didn't check the box),  I still lag.

For each of the last two years, I have concentrated on running (not a bad
idea for the East Coast, I think), but found myself playing catch-up on
Sunday trying to get some mults in the log.  This year I had the added
handicap of incapacitating line noise on 80 and 40 (to some extent), but
mults on 20 and 15 were both down from last year too.

Is there a better way for a SO1R station to harvest multipliers?  What do
YOU do?

73, Pete N4ZR

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