[CQ-Contest] Zero Pointers

kl7ra kl7ra at blizzard.gcgo.nasa.gov
Tue Dec 5 21:31:48 EST 2000

Ken writes:

>You should only log actual, real two-way QSOs, not almost, sort-a, maybe QSOs.

You are correct Ken, but the new format does not allow you to zero out calls that
are good contacts by radio but not by the logging software. For example, you 
sent the right stuff, but logged the wrong stuff. If you delete it you save yourself a 
penalty, but you ding the other station, who didn't do anything wrong, and (in my case) 
may lose a double mult.

I think any new  format should allow both ops to summit what happened at any point
in time without penalty. 

Maybe now that WW is over and before ARRL DX tests they could add this feature.
I understand there is some discussion about the format not being "standard" for 
each contest. Best to fix stuff like this early. Standards get hard to change after

73 Rich KL7RA    

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