[CQ-Contest] IDing and Phonetics

k1dg at ix.netcom.com k1dg at ix.netcom.com
Thu Dec 14 17:39:32 EST 2000

After every phone contest, I get a handful of cards forwarded to me
from K1DJ, who is not a contester or even active on HF. He used to be
very upset about all these cards until he figured out it was guys
miscopying my call ("K One Denmark Jermany").

After every CW contest, I get a handful of cards forwarded to me by
K1BG, who went to the same high school as I did. I suspect half are
copying errors and half are sending errors. I freely admit I am a
sending lid.

I will not comment on the growing number of people who think I am Don,
N1DG, who I liked a lot better when he was WB2somethingnotDG.

The bottom line is that K1DG is just turning out to not be a very good
callsign for contesting.

And here I went to all the trouble to change my name so my initials
would match my call. I think I will either change my name back to the
original, which I liked a lot better, or else get a better callsign.

Maybe I'll change both. Wonder if I can get all the paperwork done
before the Poisson d'Avril Contest...


(soon-to-be) John Dorr, N1BJ

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