[CQ-Contest] CT Support for Cabrillo Files in the ARRL 160 Contest

k8cc k8cc at mediaone.net
Sat Dec 16 19:31:56 EST 2000

CT users who have not yet submitted their entry for the 2000 ARRL 160 
Contest now can submit Cabrillo format logs.  CT version 9.54, now 
available for download from the CT web site at http://www.k1ea.com produces 
files in correct Cabrillo format.

CT users who have already submitted their entries in the older ARRL format 
(what CT calls CALLSIGN.LOG) do not need to re-submit a Cabrillo file.  As 
previously announced by the ARRL Contest Department, entries (from CT only) 
in the older format are being accepted.  Please note: THIS APPLIES TO THE 

Thanks for Fritz, K4OAQ who brought this to our attention and provided a 
Cabrillo file for verification.

David Pruett, K8CC
Tim Mitchell, K9TM
ARRL 160 Contest Logchecking Team

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