[CQ-Contest] Re-Design of CN8WW Website

Bernd Och bernd.och at boc.de
Fri Feb 25 20:03:33 EST 2000

Hi folks,

I found a few spare minutes today and went over the design
of the CN8WW-website. It now looks a little "nicer", e.g. in the
"diary" I stated, how many pictures will follow after the click...
Just spy again: http://www.dl6fbl.de/cn8ww

Besides I put some new content on it:

1. Logsearch 
All my/our 103,819 CN8WW-QSOs and all 25,527 5C8M-QSOs
(yeah, so many QSOs while playing before the contests, hi...)
are accessible through a simple Logsearch function: entering
a callsign tells you, on which band(s) and mode(s) one has
worked CN8WW and/or 5C8M:
Some people have been waiting for this option - so may anyone
spread around this info on the "QSLing" reflectors...tnx.

2. Photo collection of our pre-contest dinner with local CN8-amateurs:

3. First graphic analysis of the CW portion (tnx DK8LV):

After that I ran out of time again, hi... More to follow... Stay tuned...

73 Ben

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