[CQ-Contest] Kids Day 2000 - January 1, 2000

Bernie McClenny bernie at dailydx.com
Fri Jan 14 18:54:55 EST 2000

I know it's not called a contest but it was put on by a contester and full
details about this year's event can be found on the ARRL's Members only page
at http://www.arrl.org/members-only/extra/news/2000/01/07/2/

Great job Tree, N6TR.  Maybe we will see some new contesters in the future.
Both my kids had a great time!  My oldest one could be ready for CQ WW SSB
next fall.  Watch out Timmy, K3LR, she might want to run those Victor Echoes
at W3LPL on 80 during the day.

de Bernie

Bernie McClenny, W3UR
Editor of The Daily DX & How's DX?
3025 Hobbs Road
Glenwood, MD 21738
Fax 301-854-5105

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