[CQ-Contest] Guest ops for IARU

Mark S. Williams n4okx at n4gn.com
Thu Jul 6 04:21:26 EDT 2000


N9FD and I will be doing a low key M/S at the N4GN station in this weekend's
IARU HF Championship. Because of other commitments ( a wedding on Saturday
and preparations for moving to a new QTH in Indiana) my operating time on
Saturday will be somewhat limited.

If you are within a convenient drive to Louisville, KY and would be
interested in operating a few hours SSB or CW reply directly to me at the
address below.  I anticipate adding a maximum of two additional operators so
if interested get back to me ASAP.

We'll be QRV in the contest as N4OKX.

Mark S. Williams
n4okx at n4gn.com
Kentucky Contest Group
"Loud is Good!"

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