[CQ-Contest] Analysis of my WRTC QSOs
Fred Laun K3ZO
aalaun at ibm.net
Tue Jul 11 16:07:58 EDT 2000
With a lot of the top US operators over at WRTC I figured this year was my
chance so I made a serious effort in the Mixed Mode category, running up
some 2319 QSOs and just over 2 million points. As such, I was not
searching out WRTC stations most of the time though when first hitting a
new band/mode I did call any WRTC stations I happened across while sweeping
through the band for IARU society mults.
A few tentative conclusions can be drawn from all of this:
1) Considering the first three place winners, there may have been an
advantage to having a callsign beginning with S58 :-)
2) I didn't study the list of WRTC calls before the contest, and I busted
one! I did e-mail my log to the WRTC Committee, so sorry if I cost the
DL6RAI/OE2VEL team points due to my copying error.
3) Obviously there was no advantage to WRTC stations in working K3ZO. The
second-place team didn't find its way into my log at all. On the other
hand, the three stations who tied for first place in number of K3ZO QSOs
made (with 4 each) finished in 16th, 20th and 40th places, respectively.
4) I agree with other observers that the signals seemed very well matched
in strength.
Summing it up, I made a total of 74 valid WRTC QSOs with 43 of the 53 WRTC
stations, broken down by band this way:
15 CW: 12 15 SSB: 15
20 CW: 16 20 SSB: 12
40 CW: 19
One of the WRTC stations with an American accent asked me to QSY to 40
meter SSB but I turned them down as I was going for score myself and
considered operation on 40 meter SSB a waste of time, since mults count
only once regardless of mode. With 20 and 15 wide open to Europe all night
long there was no percentage in my making such a move.
From everything I have been able to observe from here the next WRTC host
is going to have a hard time equalling the show put on by the S5's. The
real WRTC winners were the Slovenians who showed the world how it's done!
Here following are the details of my WRTC QSOs:
Band/ QSO Station call
Mode Date Time Nr Worked list WRTC team members
20CW 08-Jul-00 20:06 799 S511E S511E DL6FBL/DL1MFL
15CW 08-Jul-00 14:27 355 S512T S512T LY3BA/LY2BM
40CW 09-Jul-00 03:35 1539 S513A S513A JA8RWU/JH4RHF
40CW 09-Jul-00 02:27 1391 S514U S514U JM1CAX/JO1RUR
20SSB 09-Jul-00 00:43 1195 S518N S518N K6LA/K5ZD
15CW 08-Jul-00 20:58 868 S518N
40CW 08-Jul-00 23:58 1160 S519I S519I KQ2M/W7WA
20CW 09-Jul-00 04:25 1619 S522R S522R LW9EUJ/LU7DW
15SSB 08-Jul-00 12:52 139 S524G S524G LY1DS/LY4AA
40CW 09-Jul-00 00:02 1165 S524G
20CW 08-Jul-00 20:13 807 S526O S526O K8NZ/W2GD
20SSB 08-Jul-00 22:35 1051 S526O
15SSB 09-Jul-00 10:01 2099 S526O
20CW 08-Jul-00 20:07 800 S527K S527K JH4NMT/JK3GAD
15SSB 08-Jul-00 13:15 206 S528D S528D OM3BH/OM3GI
20CW 09-Jul-00 04:18 1614 S528D
15CW 08-Jul-00 17:10 690 S529A S529A 5B4WN/5B4LP
20CW 08-Jul-00 20:20 810 S531R S531R K1ZM/N2NT
15SSB 08-Jul-00 16:45 661 S531R
20SSB 09-Jul-00 00:43 1196 S531R
20CW 08-Jul-00 20:08 801 S533G S533G DL6RAI/OE2VEL
40CW 09-Jul-00 03:22 1516 S533Z BUSTED CALL!!
40CW 08-Jul-00 23:48 1149 S534J S534J K4BAI/K6LL
15SSB 08-Jul-00 13:04 172 S536P S536P HA3OV/HA3NU
20SSB 09-Jul-00 05:14 1692 S536P
15SSB 08-Jul-00 13:18 218 S537L S537L OH1EH/OH1NOA
40CW 09-Jul-00 00:03 1166 S537L
15CW 08-Jul-00 17:03 680 S537L
20SSB 09-Jul-00 05:26 1724 S537L
(No QSO) S538F S50U/S51TA
15CW 08-Jul-00 15:01 450 S539D S539D ON4WW/ON6TT
40CW 08-Jul-00 23:55 1156 S541F S541F S59A/S58A
20SSB 09-Jul-00 00:41 1192 S541F
15SSB 08-Jul-00 12:58 160 S542B S542B 9A3A/9A2AJ
20SSB 08-Jul-00 23:04 1103 S542B
40CW 09-Jul-00 00:01 1163 S542B
20CW 09-Jul-00 04:22 1617 S543C S543C F6BEE/F6FGZ
20CW 08-Jul-00 20:17 808 S544Z S544Z YT1AD/YU7NU
40CW 09-Jul-00 00:08 1171 S544Z
15SSB 08-Jul-00 21:09 891 S546Q S546Q K4UEE/N6IG
15SSB 08-Jul-00 12:06 9 S547B S547B SP8NR/SP9HWN
15CW 08-Jul-00 15:43 557 S548X S548X UT5UGR/UU2JZ
20SSB 09-Jul-00 00:36 1183 S548X
20CW 09-Jul-00 04:28 1621 S548X
40CW 09-Jul-00 02:36 1414 S548X
15SSB 08-Jul-00 16:43 658 S549L S549L RZ9UA/UA3DPX
15SSB 08-Jul-00 13:20 222 S562P S562P IK2QEI/I2VXJ
40CW 08-Jul-00 23:50 1151 S562P
20SSB 09-Jul-00 04:52 1660 S562P
40CW 09-Jul-00 00:00 1162 S563X S563X N3AD/N3BB
20CW 08-Jul-00 20:10 803 S563X
15CW 08-Jul-00 15:59 589 S564Q S564Q VK4EMM/VK4XY
40CW 09-Jul-00 03:37 1544 S564Q
15CW 09-Jul-00 00:27 1175 S566Z S566Z K9ZO/K7BV
20CW 09-Jul-00 04:26 1620 S567F S567F EA3NY/EA3KU
20CW 08-Jul-00 20:11 805 S571W S571W K3NA/N6TV
40CW 09-Jul-00 03:02 1467 S571W
20SSB 09-Jul-00 04:46 1645 S572L S572L ZS6EZ/ZS4TX
20CW 09-Jul-00 04:24 1618 S573O S573O 9A9A/9A3GW
15SSB 08-Jul-00 13:05 175 S574V S574V K9TM/N2IC
15CW 08-Jul-00 17:25 706 S574V
40CW 08-Jul-00 23:54 1155 S574V
15SSB 09-Jul-00 10:13 2125 S576K S576K I5NSR/I5JHW
15SSB 08-Jul-00 12:15 33 S577V S577V UA9BA/RN9AO
15CW 08-Jul-00 15:15 488 S578R S578R PY5CC/PY1KN
15CW 08-Jul-00 17:03 681 S582A S582A K1DG/K1AR
20SSB 09-Jul-00 05:20 1709 S582A
40CW 09-Jul-00 00:05 1168 S583D S583D DL2CC/DL5XL
20SSB 09-Jul-00 01:20 1291 S583D
20CW 08-Jul-00 20:18 809 S584M S584M K1TO/N5TJ
15SSB 08-Jul-00 12:50 132 S586U S586U OK1QM/OL5Y
20CW 08-Jul-00 20:00 792 S586U
15CW 08-Jul-00 17:07 686 S586U
40CW 09-Jul-00 02:46 1435 S586U
40CW 09-Jul-00 02:34 1410 S588S S588S WC4E/W0UA
73, Fred, K3ZO
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