[CQ-Contest] Re: Bad practices identified

v31jp at logical123.net v31jp at logical123.net
Mon Jul 24 19:39:50 EDT 2000

"? K8JP" is shorter.

Bill Turner wrote:
> If you're going to operate legally in the US, you can't just send QRL?
> without your call.  So, which is shorter?
> I realize many if not most stations will send only QRL?, but without the
> call, it's illegal.  This is not just a technicality, it's a clear violation
> of part 97 rules.  K3ZO is right in my opinion.
> For contesting purposes, perhaps a single ? should be used in place of QRL?
> anyway.  In the context of contesting, it's meaning would be quite clear.
> Comments welcome.
> Bill, W7TI
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "VR2BrettGraham" <vr2bg at harts.org.hk>
> <snip>
> >
> > Even a short CQ will do a good job of trashing what's happening on that
> > frequency if it's already in use.  The small amount of time saved is at
> the
> > expense of someone else & could even cost them their current Q.  Yes,
> > you might QSY once you realize what's happening - but it's too late, the
> > damage is done.
> >
> --
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> Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

73 de K8 Joe "Palooka" & Beverly
Joe Pontek
26441 Devaney Road
Arcadia, IN 46030
K8JP, V31JP, VP5/K8JP, VP5JP, K8JP/VA2, ex-K8HKM
Read "The Contest Traveler" in The National Contest Journal
CJ5 '65

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Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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