[CQ-Contest] didit dit

Charles W. Shaw n5ul at wtaccess.com
Thu Jul 27 04:13:46 EDT 2000

	K8CC wrote:
>I think the CD parties were dropped in 1985 or perhaps slightly 
>earlier.  "Eliminated" is such a harsh word...
	The last CD party I entered was January 1985.  Not sure it was the last one.

>The reason I recall this is because in September 1985 a bunch of us sat 
>around a hospitality suite in Louisville, KY during the 1985 ARRL National 
>Convention weekend and invented the North American QSO Party to take the 
>place of our beloved CD parties.

	Thanks to you and the others involved!  The NAQP is now just as beloved.

73, Charles - N5UL

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