[CQ-Contest] CD party nostalgia

thompson at mindspring.com thompson at mindspring.com
Fri Jul 28 13:09:23 EDT 2000

ARRL tried to open up the CD (Communications Dept) parties to all ARRL
but the mood at that time was there were too many contests.  So the CD party
was elmininated
and the SS and DX contests were cut in half.   If there was any move to
eliminate the
ARRL SS I did not see it and I have been an Assistant  Director for many
years across the Delta
and now the Southeastern Division.

During the same time I feel that "hunting" in contests has been replaced by
"running."   Many contests
(such as the YL/OM, VK/ZL, state QSO parties et al) are mainly hunting.
The best hunters won the contests
and altho one can still S&P in most contests even that depends on large
quantities of available stations.   I still feel
that one needs to be proficient in hunting and running to be a complete

73 Dave K4JRB

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