[CQ-Contest] SO2R IS A Seperate Entry Class

Ivo Pezer, 5B4ADA/9A3A 9a3a at spidernet.com.cy
Thu Jun 1 20:02:39 EDT 2000

This is how I see SO2R:

The main fact to be considered is that ONLY ONE PERSON will be piloting the
station(s). Only a very experienced and skilled operators can use 2R setup
to the full advantage. As long as one man pilots his station(s), he is a
SINGLE OP and if he is a skillfull one of course he will have advantage over
the 1R operator. But, talking about advantages, we will never have equal and
fair rules for SOAB (tribander vs multiple stacks, fully automatic
band/amp/antenna switching, dual receiver, location, PC logging vs paper
logs etc).
 I think that the main point is SINGLE OPERATOR, as stated in the rules, at
the station during the contest. Packet means possibe assistance, any other
help by others that involves operating, listening, advising means MULTI op
because that operation involves more than one operator.
So, what one should worry about is those who can not pilot 2R station but
use another pair or two of ears, paddles, DVPs,  to benefit from the
technology advancement and hide behind 2R category.
Hardwarewise it will never be equal, but it's either SINGLE OP or MULTI OP,
and that should be the bottom line. Yes, I'll try it myself soon and will
see if I can handle it. At least I'll have a spare radio.
But, by that time there will be SO3R claimants on 3830....

73 5B4ADA/C4A

> HI John,
> I think you are the first perosn ever to have thanked me for a
> reflector posting :.)
> Playing devil's advocate - if there were separate categories for
> SO1R and SO2R, I would expect many of the SO2R guys to go
> back to one radio. Do I want to compete with AR,TJ,WW,AN, etc.,
> or would I reather compete with the guys who, for whatever reason,
> continue to use 1 radio? And, do we then create SO1R, SO2R with
> and without packet as 4 new categories? Aren't there enough top
> ten boxes now?
> 73 Barry
> --
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