[CQ-Contest] SO2R category would accomplish opposite of its intent

W. Wright, W5XD w5xd at alum.mit.edu
Sat Jun 3 21:12:15 EDT 2000

If it is true that SO2R operators have a scoring advantage over
SO1R, and if a new category were introduced that said something
like "only one radio used for transmit", and if SO1R is allowed
to listen on more than one frequency at a time, then anyone reading
N6TR's posting on this carefully will understand that the 
technical requirements for competing in SO1R just got MORE
difficult and expensive, not LESS!

That is, a frequency agile transmitter/amplifier combination
with a little software is going to make the presumed SO1R
category just as competitive as single op is today. And the
presumed SO2R category would be a dead end hangout for those
not able to afford the latest in auto-tune amplifier
and antenna switching technology.

The only way to fix this problem would be to make SO1R
disallow listening on multiple frequencies. That would
outlaw use of dual-receive rigs and have other rather
silly effects like making packet spotting illegal for
those contests that allow it in single op, unless you
used the internet to avoid using a second "receiver".

I suggest those folks that want separate SO1R/SO2R
categories instead pursue rule changes that recognize
those folks contesting with antique radio equipment.

Wayne, W5XD

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>From K2KW" <K2KW at prodigy.net  Sat Jun  3 19:24:31 2000
From: K2KW" <K2KW at prodigy.net (K2KW)
Date: Sat, 3 Jun 2000 11:24:31 -0700
Subject: [CQ-Contest] CQ Rochester, MN
Message-ID: <004801bfcd88$f727f2e0$e110fd3f at default>

I will be in Rochester, MN starting June 18, and will probably be there for
7-10 days.  Any contesters in the area?  Any serious FD groups need an extra

Kenny K2KW
aka 6Y8A, 6Y2A etc...

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