[CQ-Contest] Re:SO2R

Bill Turner w7ti at jps.net
Tue Jun 6 06:46:21 EDT 2000

----- Original Message -----
From: William N. Goodman, CPA (K3ANS) <goodmancpa at enter.net>
To: <k4sb at mindspring.com>; 'contest' <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2000 6:19 PM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Re:SO2R
> I think SO2R  class is silly.  How about single op, two VFO's in one radio
> versus Single op, one VFO in one radio?   I know one ham who operates
> Should he be in different class than SO1R or SO2R?  How about iCOM vs.
> Kenwood vs. Yaesu vs. Ten-Tec vs. JSC?  Old radios versus new radios?
> state amps vs. tube amps.
> American made radio vs. imports?   Radio with auto tuner?  Radio without
> auto tuner?  Antennas fed with coax vs. fed with twin lead?  Heil HC-4 vs.
> HC-5?  Blind versus sighted hams?  Solid state vs. tube radios?  Padded
> chair vs. hard chair?  Computer logging vs. manual logging?  CT vs. NA vs.
> TR?  Food and drink provided by wife vs. provided by wife vs. self?  Porta
> potty vs. inside plumbing?  Potty 50 over 50 feet away versus under 50 ft.
> away. Fat hams vs. thin hams?  The distinctions are endless.  Who cares.
> an operator can master a skill better than his or her competition, then
> he/she should benefit and not grovel to appease the masses.  Oh yes, OM
> YL?  XOM vs. OM?  XYL vs. YL?  Everyone could have his own class.
> My puny multi does not object to be placed in the same class as the big
> multis.  We know we can not win, but we have fun just the same.  We have
> private competition with similar stations, but enter the broad classes.

Your last paragraph says it all.  If you don't care whether you win or not,
fine.  You are not a real competitor, just a casual entrant, and that's
perfectly ok.  The rest of your post is what is silly.  None of those x vs y
situations you quote make any difference.  But one radio vs two makes a HUGE
difference.  The two radio (or more) operator has a tremendous TIME
advantage over the course of a contest, literally HOURS more spent receiving
than the one radio guy.  That is the part of the playing field that needs

Bill, W7TI

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