[CQ-Contest] Re:SO2R

William N. Goodman, CPA K3ANS goodmancpa at enter.net
Tue Jun 6 02:19:40 EDT 2000

I think SO2R  class is silly.  How about single op, two VFO's in one radio
versus Single op, one VFO in one radio?   I know one ham who operates SO3R!
Should he be in different class than SO1R or SO2R?  How about iCOM vs.
Kenwood vs. Yaesu vs. Ten-Tec vs. JSC?  Old radios versus new radios?  Solid
state amps vs. tube amps.
American made radio vs. imports?   Radio with auto tuner?  Radio without
auto tuner?  Antennas fed with coax vs. fed with twin lead?  Heil HC-4 vs.
HC-5?  Blind versus sighted hams?  Solid state vs. tube radios?  Padded
chair vs. hard chair?  Computer logging vs. manual logging?  CT vs. NA vs.
TR?  Food and drink provided by wife vs. provided by wife vs. self?  Porta
potty vs. inside plumbing?  Potty 50 over 50 feet away versus under 50 ft.
away. Fat hams vs. thin hams?  The distinctions are endless.  Who cares.  If
an operator can master a skill better than his or her competition, then
he/she should benefit and not grovel to appease the masses.  Oh yes, OM vs.
YL?  XOM vs. OM?  XYL vs. YL?  Everyone could have his own class.

My puny multi does not object to be placed in the same class as the big time
multis.  We know we can not win, but we have fun just the same.  We have
private competition with similar stations, but enter the broad classes.

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