[CQ-Contest] CQ WW SSB 1999

Bob Cox k3est at mother.com
Sun Jun 18 12:13:25 EDT 2000

Dear Fellow Contesters,

The UBN/NIL reports for all entrants who submitted an electronic log
for the 1999 CQ WW SSB contest are now available. You can access your
personalized report by going to <http://www.cqww.com> and view your
report by using your personal access code. Your personal code was sent
to you automatically IF you submitted an EMAIL log. If you submitted
only a disk you must request your UBN by sending a message to
<k3est at cqww.com>. Please try to email your log submission for the 2000

Please submit via email your 2000 CQWW SSB logs to: <ssb at cqww.com> by
December 1, 2000 and your 2000 CQWW CW logs to: <cw at cqww.com> by
January 15, 2001.

By this time next week, a list of all 1999 CQ WW SSB logs received +
category will be posted on CQWW.com. Please review that list as a
final check that we have your category correctly identified.


Bob, K3EST
CQ WW Director

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