[CQ-Contest] NCJ Contest Tips, Tricks & Techniques topic

Gary Sutcliffe ums at nconnect.net
Thu Mar 2 06:41:07 EST 2000

Hi gang!

It's that time again.  I am looking for your input on this month's topic:

Topic for May-June 2000 (Deadline March 4, 2000)

Design your own contest!

If you could design the ultimate contest, what would it be? What bands
would be used? What modes would be allowed? What would be the exchange?
Under what conditions, if any, could you work the same station again? What
would be the different multipliers, and would different contacts be worth
different numbers of QSO points? How long would it last, and would there be
off times?  What time of the year would it be held?

Please reply directly and be sure your call sign is included.  

Thanks again & 73 - Gary

Gary Sutcliffe, W9XT          Unified Microsystems
ums at nconnect.net              PO Box 133
http://www.QTH.com/w9xt       Slinger, WI 53086

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