[CQ-Contest] Re: Digital Voice keyer

Milt Jensen miltj at dvec.org
Mon Mar 13 13:59:09 EST 2000

> > At 10:33 AM 3/13/2000 -0600, Ron Stordahl wrote:
> > >
> > >Yes, I tried the MFJ-434 and its nice EXCEPT the repeat delay minimum
> > >setting is 3 seconds.  That's an eternity when your CQing.  And its set
> > >firmware, there is nothing you can do about it.  I can't imagine what
> > >designer was thinking about, except its obvious that he has never
> > >in a contest.  I returned mine.

> > Interesting ... I normally use 3-4 seconds between automated CQs, and
> > recall ever being bumped off a frequency as a result.  I wonder what the
> > general consensus is?

> I don't even rank in the competition, but I don't need 3 seconds to listen
> for a reply to my CQ.  I would guess a reasonable time would be 1.5
> If you are Papa 40 Victor  then 1 second would be about right

> Ron N5IN

Milt, N5IA replied:

It depends on the band, conditions and your station configuration.  Example:
I do a
lot of 160 Meter contesting and I normally set the repeat delay at 5-6
Reason:  I need that much time to switch through all the Beverage antennas,
checking all directions to see if someone is calling.  The weak signals
more time to be heard through the typical QRN.

On the other end of the spectrum is running 10 meters to the east coast in
SS.  There
is propagation to one region only, and even the QRP signals are recognizable
on a normally pure clean band.  Here I would repeat 2-3 seconds.

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