[CQ-Contest] Re: How about 40M?

GW4BLE gw4ble at btinternet.com
Fri Nov 3 07:57:45 EST 2000

To add my input to this...

Jim, SM2EKM, is totally correct in what he says; we here in the UK are
within our licence conditions should we wish to call CQ Contest using SSB on
7005 (for example). However, to do so, in my opinion is both arrogant and
not within the spirit of the contest.

I did make a suggestion, a year or two ago, to the CQWW Contest Committee
that stations operating within ITU Zone 1 should be prohibited from
soliciting contacts on any frequency below 7040.
Note the word "soliciting", by that I mean not allowing "CQs" below 7040
although actually *answering* stations outside Zone 1 would be permitted.

This was my suggestion as a way forward to clear up the present mess on 40M

For the record, during CQWW SSB any DX stations that I hear below 7040 that
are needed "mults" I would call; although I would have to draw the line
somewhere.... maybe 7020?

For me to actually CQ below 7040 is *not* on the agenda.


       A little clarification.

       1. The band plan (IARU) is no rule, it´s a recomendation
       2. My Swedish ham license does not stipulate what mode
           I´m supposed to use on a certain frequency. On 40 it
           says I can use 7000-7100 and thats it.
       3. Consequence is I could transmitt wide band FM on 7010
           if I like to.
       4. Now, is it ethical not to follow the IARU band plan, which
           again is a recomendation, this is a totaly different
       5. Bottow line is. CQ can not disqualify me if I transmitt SSB
           on 7005 kHz.

       73, Jim SM2EKM

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