[CQ-Contest] Lengthen CW SS

Jeff Bouvier k1am at home.com
Tue Nov 7 16:10:53 EST 2000

	I disagree. I think the main reason that the SS contest is
struggling is because CQWW SSB is the weekend b4. I know it's been
that way for a long time but I still believe that is the reason. All
the people who prefer SSB (not me!) will operate WW SSB and then will
operate SS SSB and skip SS CW. 
	Then you have the die hards who operate WW SSB, SS CW, WAE
RTTY, SS SSB, WW CW, ARRL 160, ARRL 10. Seven weekends in a row. I'm
tired just thinking about attempting that. Wouldn't it be interesting
to have SS CW 2 or 3 weekends before WW SSB? hmmm

	73, Jeff K1AM

On Tue, 7 Nov 2000 12:46:08 -0800, you wrote:

>I agree with Hans. Exactly my thoughts. In fact, in reponse to N1ND's query
>to last year regarding improvements to SS, I proposed extending the period
>to 48 hours. This contest ought to more accessable to Joe Ham, not less. Its
>hard enough for single element low power guys like me on the outskirts of
>town as it is and all I want is a stupid little coffee cup! We are sorely in
>need of a general purpose domestic contest accessible to everybody,
>including the people who work or have limited stations or have other things
>to do with their weekends and would love to get more than one chance at 40
>or 80 or whichever band their able to get set-up on.
> I think making SS look more like NAQP is a move in exactly the wrong
>73 Neal N7RX

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