[CQ-Contest] Packet pile ups + MORE

Sylvan Katz jskatz at sk.sympatico.ca
Tue Nov 28 09:04:27 EST 2000

Tree and Fellow Contesters

> The genie is out of the bottle.
> The last straw for me is that some contest sponsors think unassisted
> single ops should compete in the same category as assisted.  Like
> having a competition means anything then.

If you think that is amazing consider that the sponsors also believe that
the thousands, or perhaps tens of thousands of well designed and skillfully
operated single tower multiband setups (I call them the Peanut class station
for lack of a better term) are expected to compete in the same class as the
top guns station.

There use to be a day when a 'Peanut' class station could expect a fair
reward for mounting a dedicated single operator single band effort. Now
stations like VE6JY who use to entry the MM or MS category are now entering
the MSSB (multiple single operator single band) category. So for example on
15m VE6JY runs a stack of 4  6 element monobanders on a 145 foot tower

If you consider 'assisted' versus 'unassisted' unfair would you also
consider 'multiband single tower' vs 'single band stack single tower' unfair
competition too?

cul ... sylvan

Sylvan Katz
Saskatoon, Sask

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