[CQ-Contest] PSE QSY to ...

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Wed Nov 29 01:52:44 EST 2000

At 10:31 PM 11/28/00 -0500, k8cc wrote:
>Let's get a grip here.  Anybody can ask anything they want.  Its up to the 
>DX station to decide what he wants to do.  If he wants to QSY, THEN HE CAN 
>QSY.  Or he can tell the requestor to pound sand...
>This is not an ethical question.  However, it can perhaps be argued that 
>such behavior is unsportsmanlike.  Personally, I WILL NOT ask a DX station 
>who's CQ I've answered to QSY if he's running a pile.  To do so shows a 
>lack of awareness of what's going on around you, or else a tremendously 
>high level of arrogance.

That's exactly what I meant -- something you WOULDN'T do because you think
it's wrong or inappropriate.

73, Pete N4ZR

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