[CQ-Contest] Moving Mults

Mark Beckwith swca at ionet.net
Wed Nov 29 09:57:42 EST 2000

As far as moving multipliers is concerned, somebody reading recent comments
could conclude that this practice has just sprung up out of nowhere.  It's
been going on since before 90% of us were born.  It is just easier now.  I
don't know that contest rules should tell us under what conditions we can
and cannot pick the frequency we want to be on for whatever reason.  I have
always hated 10-minute rules for this reason.  I think restricting the
movements of a single-op (any station, really) who is trying to work as
many countries on as many bands as possible is needless and would damage
the sport.

Who among us has not been frustrated more times than we can even count by
not getting the guy before he is gone, for whatever reason?  At least when
he QSYs to work some other guy, you have a clue where he has gone.  And a
LOT of the time he will be BACK.

I always thought this was a part of the game.


Mark, N5OT

Sorry, I am beginning to sound more and more like an old geezer doomed to

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