[CQ-Contest] Yeah - big fella, check out the website! please!

Douglas Priest w3cf at home.com
Tue Oct 3 17:30:00 EDT 2000

I find myself in an awkward position now.  Jim K4OJ and I go way back, and
even though he's a little taller, we usually see eye to eye on most matters.

I must disagree here however.

The idea of a webcam is "cute" and certainly an application of new
technology that is pretty close to being on the cutting edge.

Despite the fact that I believe that such a webcam would have such little
impact to the stations' score, I think it may be a in fact be a good thing.

What about the potential for publicity for the contest ?  What about
enabling other amateurs to "watch" while someone else contests ?  I think it
would be totally cool to dial up someones' web page and watch them operate
the contest.

Bob N5NJ

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